State-of- the-art workrooms assure maximum productivity at every stage to achieve higher quality and superior products. Statistical process control (SPC) methods are employed in order to monitor and control all the processes so the company can operate at its full potential. Global methods and certifications of quality control like JC Penney Quality Assurance System, Parallel Management System for Production and Quality Assurance, On-line Quality Information System and In-House Audit Team maintain the equilibrium between the manufacturer and the consumer allowing us to produce excellent textile products.



Through a strict regimen of quality checks & controls, we maintain consistency in the quality of raw materials procured, in the quality of our manufacturing work, in packaging, in Shipment & Service etc.

lab testing

Laboratories are an extremely valuable component of our services and also facilitate the manufacturers – exporters & importers to conduct their business with the least quality risk. Our laboratory service includes.

pre production check

First finished products are checked against buyer’s specifications and a prototype sample. Deviations areidentified and corrected.

final inspection

Final Inspection is based on specification of the buyers and it cover criteria such as design/ style, shrinkage, accessories, marking, colors, labeling, material, etc.